The DeFli Foundation
Governance for the DeFli Network

The DeFli Foundation is a "not for profit" entity that provides governance actions on behalf of the DeFli Network.
The Foundation consists of "voted" for members from our host community, nominees from our investor base and a privately funded crypto analytics and contract verification nominee.

Token Governance
The role of the DeFli Foundation incorporates the approving of transfers of $FLI from treasury to the swap pools.
The Foundation controls 3 of the 4 transaction verifier wallets within our Gnosis Safe
Any outbound token transfers from treasury requires the approval of 3 of 4 wallets.
The DeFli Foundation controls the "adminAddress" nominated within our smart contracts. This control enables the Foundation to control the "mint" function (required due to Emission Control) as well as the burning of $FLI directly from circulating supply where required by off-chain revenue acquisition.
In addition, the DeFli Foundation controls the "mint" and "burn" functions within our sub-token smart contracts ensuring that adequate security provisions are in place to control the rewards flow and the burning post swap.
Token Distribution
The role of the DeFli Foundation includes calculating and validating the volume of $FLI to assign to each token swap pool per epoch.
This includes on-chain activities including monitoring staking and on-boarding as well as reviewing the revenue figures provided by DeFli Network.